2012年7月31日 星期二

銀將來會貴過金 ?

文章說, 銀的出產會愈來愈少, 因為地面的藏銀好快就會掘完, 而愈深的藏銀就需消耗愈多資源; 在同時減少產量的原油, 價格會上升, 所以將來出產的銀, 價格也會上升 !

黃金的出產一樣會受資源價格影響, 不過銀的產量比黃金少, 所以將來的價格升幅會比黃金高 !

www.silverdoctors.com 全文

Why Is Silver Supply More At Risk Than Gold?

The focus of the markets and the alternative media is firmly placed on the continued disintegration of the world financial system. Many believe that the collapse of the fiat monetary system along with the global banking cartel is the worst possible outcome. However, this may actually turn out to be the good news in a sea of bad news that is lurking around the corner.

As the world’s attention is currently directed at its massive paper-debt dilemma, a physical problem looms larger each passing day. This is what I call, the brontosaurus in the living room. The information provided in this article may help connect the dots to the reader who has been grossly misinformed by the highly specialized analysts in the various industries and media.

In the future as tens of trillions of dollars of debt masqueraded as wealth implodes, there will be a stampede into the best safe havens available — the precious metals. Many believe gold will play the major roll in this upcoming transfer of wealth. While this may be true, silver could actually turn out to be the better choice when we consider the factors presented in this article.

The inspiration to write this article came while I visited several historic mining towns in Utah. One of these mines was the Horn Silver Mine located in Frisco, Utah. After spending most of the day looking at the remains of the town, its old kilns and the abandoned mine, I began to wonder how much silver was produced there and what were the size of its ore grades.

Now that we have an idea on how present silver ore grades have declined compared the silver mines in the previous century, let’s take a look at the future.

Future world energy constraints will impact the production of silver in a larger degree than gold. As the world finally catches on to the fact that silver production will decline greater in percentage than gold, its value will more than likely increase to a greater extent than gold.

7 則留言:

細芬女 提到...


Lisa 提到...


好似宋鴻兵都說過有呢個可能 !
最少, 銀價的升幅會高過金價的升幅 !

honson 提到...


Kenneth 提到...


SilverCentury 提到...


街坊 提到...


Unknown 提到...
